The Call for Submission of Proposals, RES-01 (CSP) is RESEMBID’s vehicle to facilitate submission and approval of non-COVID-19-related projects by stakeholders, addressing the three thematic priority areas: resilience, sustainable energy, and marine biodiversity, contributing to the RESEMBID overall objective of advancing sustainable human development in the Caribbean OCTs. The CSP follows customary good grant and procurement practices widely recognised as a standard in the field, and applied by major donors and international financial institutions. The purpose of the process is to ensure equitable right of access and award for all eligible entities, whilst enabling maximum transparency throughout the process, thus providing also required accountability, a central principle of all EU-funded projects.
From the outset RESEMBID has been firmly committed to ensuring that, whilst remaining broadly strategically coherent within the agreed framework of the Programme, its projects would be anchored in and driven by local priorities and the specific circumstances of each OCT. In this connexion, for this Call, RESEMBID also applies a demand-driven, bottom-up approach, identifying initiatives and actions on a rolling basis in line with current OCT priorities.
Legal entities established in an eligible country, such as governmental/public authorities, civil society organisations, international, regional and sub-regional organisations, educational institutions, private and social enterprises, are eligible to submit grant requests. Requests may be submitted for amounts and time periods in the following range minimum € 100,000 and maximum: € 1,500,000; minimum 6 months and maximum 24 months. In all cases, proposed actions must complete implementation by 30 June 2023. Projects must take place in one or more of the 12 Caribbean OCTs where RESEMBID is carried out and be endorsed by the respective RESEMBID National Focal Point(s).
Submission of the concept notes and project documents is on a rolling basis, with 31 March 2022 being a cut-off date. The Call for Submission of Proposals CSP RES-01 is closed.
Below documents are intended for information of current applicants and grantees
Please read the guidelines for applicants carefully and check if your institution/ organization and desired action are eligible and find out how to apply.
I. PROGRAMMATIC GUIDELINES FOR APPLICANTS [download here for ENG] [download here for FR]
These guidelines describe a programmatic approach and eligibility criteria for grant award procedures, in line with the agreement between Expertise France and the European Union (EU).
II. PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES FOR APPLICANTS [download here for ENG] [download here for FR]
These guidelines describe grant application, review, award and contracting procedures, in line with the agreement between Expertise France and the European Union (EU).
Rules on Nationality and Origin [download here for ENG] [download here for FR]
Amendment to the Call for Submission for Proposals, RES-01 [download here for ENG]
Please contact the respective national Focal Point for a preliminary discussion of the project idea. Please complete your application under the terms of the Call and ensure you secure the endorsement of the RESEMBID Focal Point before submitting the application by email. More detailed information is provided in the Guidelines.
RESEMBID applies a two-step approach, involving first a concept note and then, if approved, a fully developed project document. Accordingly, during the first step, only the concept notes (Annex A) are to be submitted for substantive review according to pre-established and transparent criteria listed in the II Procedural Guidelines. RESEMBID will review only concept notes that are clearly and formally endorsed by the RESEMBID Focal Point [Download here for the list of RESEMBID Focal Points].
Annex A. Concept Note form [download here for EN] [download here for FR]
Subsequently, only preliminary selected lead applicants will be invited to submit a full project document.
Annex B: Project Document [download here for EN] [download here for FR]
Communication and Visibility Template [download here for EN] [download here for FR]
Following a decision to award a grant, the applicants will be offered a contract based on the model grant contract (Annex F).
Annex F: Standard grant contract [download here for EN] [download here for FR]
Further Information
Questions may be sent by e-mail, clearly indicating the reference of the CSP, RES-01 to the following email address: To ensure equal treatment of applicants, RESEMBID cannot give a prior formal opinion on the eligibility of lead applicants, partners, affiliated entity(ies), an action or specific activities.
All questions and answers as well as other important notices to applicants during review procedure will be published on this website, as the need arises.
Call for Submission of Proposals – Info Sessions
The Call for Submission of Proposals CSP RES-01 is closed.
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