A Meeting of the Minds

Dr. Luc Mercelina, Prime Minister of St. Maarten and Regional Authorising Officer of RESEMBID;
and Angelique Gumbs. Manager, Department of Interior and. Kingdom Relations (BAK) address participants.

Mid-June 2024 signified a landmark period for the RESEMBID Programme as representatives from the 12 Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) and senior officials from the European Union and Expertise France joined the RESEMBID team in St. Maarten. The two-day consultation began with the launch of the RESEMBID OCT Hub followed by an in-depth review of the 47-project portfolio.

The first day featured a critical roundtable session that provided an open forum for frank feedback and discussion on the RESEMBID OCT Hub’s intended contributions, prospects, possibilities, and a unified path forward for the OCTs.

On the second day, the Strategic Steering Committee (SSC) convened for its principal governance meeting, allowing constructive dialogue on the status of current projects, including their successes and challenges. RESEMBID managers responsible for Grants, Finance and Administration; Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning; and Communications and Visibility delivered progress reports to the delegation.

Prime Minister of St. Maarten, Dr. Luc Mercelina, officially opened the proceedings with thought-provoking and supportive remarks. Catherine Metdepenningen, Deputy Head of Unit, DG International Partnerships, All Overseas Countries and Territories, European Union, and Romain Riollet, Head of the Climate and Energy Department at Expertise France, praised the positive impact of the diverse project portfolio on the OCT communities.

These engaging discussions significantly advanced knowledge sharing among the OCTs and fostered deeper engagement between the OCTs and the RESEMBID team, its donors, and partners.

Below are highlights from two successful days of consultations.

Embracing Diversity:
A Unified Vision for the Caribbean

Dr. Luc Mercelina, Prime Minister of St. Maarten and Regional Authorising Officer of RESEMBID

“We have to move past insularity if we are to solve the problems of the Caribbean,” declared Dr. Luc Mercelina, Prime Minister of St. Maarten. “We have always made the mistake of thinking that we must try to unify using similarities. We have always worked on the uniformity of the Caribbean.”

Prime Minister Mercelina who is also the Regional Authorising Officer (RAO) of the RESEMBID Programme emphasized that strength is found in diversity. “I think we will have a very strong Caribbean if we change our actions from similarity to differences. Why are we trying to unify with similarities? We should make ourselves strong in the diversity of what we can offer from the Caribbean.”

In powerful remarks delivered at the welcome reception for representatives from the 12 Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs), senior officials from the European Union and Expertise France, senior staff of the Government of St. Maarten’s Department of Interior and Kingdom Relations (BAK) and the RESEMBID team, Prime Minister Mercelina insisted that the two days of discussions led by the RESEMBID Programme should focus on moving past insularity and embracing diversity to address the region’s pressing challenges.

He added: “If at the end of the RESEMBID Programme, we are operating like business as usual, I can assure you that RESEMBID did not serve the purpose it was created to serve. We must shake and hold each other’s hands together and make an agreement for the continuity of all the initiatives for the Caribbean islands. If we do not come to an agreement that has been triggered by RESEMBID, we are doomed to fail in the future development of a strong Caribbean unit.”

Speaking directly to the OCT representatives, Prime Minister Mercelina continued, “Each of you brings a wealth of experience, knowledge, and cultural richness to assist RESEMBID with unique perspectives for the future that are invaluable. Our aim must be to build upon the strengths and successes of the RESEMBID Programme. RESEMBID will not have an impact on the OCTs if we just leave it and do not build upon it. We have to carve it in the minds of our people and the education system in order for it to be successful in the longterm.”

The RAO further highlighted the spirit of partnership and cooperation that has enabled RESEMBID, together with the OCTs, to achieve significant milestones. “It is this spirit that we must continue to nurture and expand,” he said while encouraging the OCT representatives to contribute openly and share their ideas during the talks. “Our diversity and collective knowledge are the greatest assets of this region. Let us become strong in our differences and not in uniformity.”

“Together we can craft solutions that are not only effective, but also tailored to the unique needs and context of our Caribbean people,” St. Maarten’s Prime Minister concluded.

Additionally, Prime Minister Mercelina’s profound opening remarks at the commencement of the sessions resonated deeply with participants and can be viewed in full below.

Embedding Sustainability and
Regionalism: The OCT Hub

Eleanor Henry, Senior Coordinator – The Hub engages participants at the Round Table Decision Forum

Sustainability lies at the heart of any effective development programme, ensuring that beneficiaries can maintain progress long after initial donor support concludes.

Recognising this imperative, the RESEMBID Programme has collaborated closely with the Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) and the Regional Authorising Officer (RAO) to establish the OCT Hub.

This innovative initiative is designed to facilitate the OCTs’ transition beyond the conclusion of the RESEMBID Programme, thereby fostering long-term impact, regional integration, and sustainable human development across the Caribbean OCTs.

The primary objective of the Hub is to enhance regional integration among Caribbean OCTs and promote sustainable human development. This will be achieved by leveraging funding and resources from the RESEMBID Programme to address three key priorities:

  • Training and Capacity Development
  • Access to Technical Expertise and Knowledge Exchange
  • Crafting a Collective Development Agenda for OCT Visibility

Leading up to its inception, the RESEMBID team facilitated robust bilateral engagements between OCTs and the RAO, fostering deep consultations and strategic planning. This collaborative effort culminated in a pivotal Round Table Decision Forum convened on June 17th. Held in St. Maarten, this in-person forum brought together representatives from the OCTs, European Union, Expertise France, and RESEMBID under the guidance of an experienced Caribbean facilitator. The forum aimed to ensure productive outcomes and consensus-building.

From the discussions emerged significant decisions:

  • Endorsement by the Prime Minister of St. Maarten and the RAO
  • Unanimous support from all 12 OCTs for the Hub project
  • Consensus on the potential benefits, key focus areas, challenges, and concerns
    of the Hub

The establishment of the OCT RESEMBID Hub marks a pivotal milestone in securing the lasting benefits of the RESEMBID Programme. By fostering resilience and integration among the Caribbean OCTs, this initiative paves the way for a cohesive and prosperous future.

It exemplifies a commitment to sustainability, ensuring that the region continues to thrive beyond the lifespan of individual projects, towards enduring development and growth.

Key Progress Reports
Speak to a Bright Future

Maximising Support to the OCTs for Successful Implementation

Marsha Watson-Hylton, Senior MEAL and Reporting Specialist

Maximising support to the OCTs ensures successful implementation and achievement of outstanding results has been the priority focus of Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEAL) disclosed Marsha Watson-Hylton, Senior MEAL and Reporting Specialist.

She added: “From the outset, we recognised that the development effectiveness of the RESEMBID Programme relied on strong OCT engagement and partnership, a relevant and coherent project portfolio, and a demand-driven, tailored backstopping support strategy.

Turning to major milestones under Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning, Mrs. Watson-Hylton proudly revealed that the launch of the interactive dashboard in mid-2023 was a transformative achievement, providing unparalleled transparency and access to real-time data for all stakeholders. “Accessible on the RESEMBID website, this dashboard offers an on-demand, 360° view of all projects. Users can search through many possible filters, including by project, OCT, focus area, or Programme indicator to explore the development efforts and achievements across the OCTs”.

Another successful achievement is the completion of Tripartite Reviews (TRWs), disclosed the MEAL lead who indicated that these were strongly supported by the Focal Points. “These policy meetings involve all parties in the implementation of an OCT project, including the NFP as

a government representative, the IP, and RESEMBID. The TRWs ensure the best possible project outcomes through joint stocktaking of project performance using data from progress and financial reports. They also facilitate agreement on actions to overcome challenges affecting the achievement of planned outputs.”

Mrs. Watson-Hylton further explained that the most valuable outcome was the live engagement with the Implementing Partners Focal Points, and project beneficiaries. “This interaction strengthened partnerships at multiple levels, fostering greater trust and ease. Additionally, site visits provided a deeper appreciation of project results and challenges.”

Our dedicated efforts have fostered strong partnerships, ensuring the RESEMBID

Programme’s success and driving significant progress across the OCTs.

Project Success: A Testament to Collaboration and Quality

Daniela Stojanova, Senior Manager, Grants, Finance, and Administration

The RESEMBID portfolio boasts 47 high-quality projects across 12 OCTs, totalling €23 million, with a remarkable 90% approval rate of programmable funds. This noteworthy achievement is the result of a collective effort involving Focal Points, Implementing Partners, and the RESEMBID team.

Daniela Stojanova, Senior Manager, Programme Finance and Operations Management (GFA), emphasised the collaborative approach, stating, “This success story is a testament to the dedication and collaboration between our Focal Points, Implementing Partners, and the RESEMBID team. The 90% approval rate is not just a number; it reflects the quality and commitment invested in each project.”

She explained that while the numbers are impressive, they don’t fully capture the quality embedded in the process, the strong ownership by the countries, and the alignment with each OCT’s priorities. “The quality extends beyond technical aspects; it includes the consultative, demand-driven formulation process led by the RESEMBID team and the meticulous execution of these projects.”

Last year, Ms. Stojanova said an in-depth EU-mandated Result Oriented Monitoring (ROM) review by impartial external experts highlighted the programme’s strengths. The report praised the bottom-up, country-driven approach for ensuring strong country engagement and ownership; and also noted the active involvement of Focal Points in aligning RESEMBID projects with each country’s development priorities.

The GFA Lead elaborated on the importance of this approach: “The bottom-up strategy ensures that our projects are not only relevant but deeply rooted in the needs and aspirations of the OCTs. It’s about more than just funding; it’s about fostering genuine ownership and sustainable impact.”

She added: “The responsiveness and engagement of the OCTs have been crucial, leading to the production of over 100 concept notes, with more than half translated into approved project documents – a rare and commendable track record.”

Ms. Stojanova concluded, “This success is a testament to the intensive quality work between implementing partners and RESEMBID Programme Managers, supported by a variety of tailored support measures”

Enhanced Communication Strategies Boost Projects’ Visibility

Karen Mahy, Senior Manager of Communications & Visibility

In a significant announcement, Karen Mahy, Senior Manager of Communications & Visibility (C&V) revealed that enhanced communication strategies have ensured the projects’ achievements do not go unnoticed.

By leveraging a variety of platforms and tools, the C&V team has effectively amplified outreach for the 47 projects, showcasing the transformative work being done across the Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs). “The increased visibility has not only strengthened the OCTs but also inspired greater trust and engagement from donors, stakeholders, partners, and the wider public,” Ms. Mahy stated.

She highlighted the focus on four key areas moving forward: Consistent social media presence, a content-rich monthly newsletter, the RESEMBID OCT Visibility Programme (ROVIP), and an all-encompassing people-centric campaign: Champions of the Caribbean.

Ms. Mahy explained that the first ROVIP initiative, featuring the University College of the Cayman Islands (UCCI) under the: Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development Training project was launched in April. The compelling five-part series is currently being rolled out, illustrating the project’s impact and achievements.

Another exciting initiative, the Champions of the Caribbean campaign, is set to launch imminently. “This campaign seeks to put the OCT people at the heart of the narrative,” Mahy revealed, adding that it will feature inspiring stories under the theme: Real challenges. Real People. Real Progress.

Through these strategic efforts, the C&V team aims to spotlight the resilience and innovation within the OCTs, ensuring their stories of progress and transformation are shared widely and celebrated.

Meet and Greet:
Scenes from a Memorable Evening

On the evening before the formal proceedings, RESEMBID hosted a welcome reception, aiming to foster connections and bring colleagues together. It provided an opportunity for networking and informal introductions ahead of the main event. Below is a snapshot of the evening.

Media and Publications

Highlighting the sustainable human development efforts of the Caribbean Overseas Countries and Territories.

RESEMBID Formulation Missions Brochure

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RESEMBID Press Release

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Our Partners